Wednesday, December 31, 2008
It's About Time!

Thursday, December 18, 2008
Close Call...
P.S. I haven't had a chance to mention that we finally (after months of late nights and hard work) finished our basement!! It is so nice down there and we are so excited to have a nice place to send the kids to play! Hooray!
Wednesday, December 17, 2008
Queen of the Dance!

Tuesday, December 16, 2008
Our's Is the Real One!!

Monday, December 15, 2008
My baby is 2!!!

Friday, December 5, 2008
We Never Really Change...
Monday, December 1, 2008
California Turkey Day!

Luckily, Shanna brought the camera for our trip to Magic Mountain! I tried to surprise Jake with a day at his absolute favorite place ( I am NOT a good secret keeper!)...so we went without the kids and had a BLAST! My mom and dad and Katie (Travis's wife) watched the kids while Blair, Shanna, Brooke, Travis, Jake and I went on a big date! It was really fun to be together and everyone besides me loved the roller coasters too...I took some Dramimine that wasn't very effective...so I was on the verge of throwing up most of the day!!
We also took the kids bowling with Aunt Brooke one day! They love to bowl...and we practice our patience as their balls move approx. 2 mph down the lane!! I won the big bowl-a-thon and have taken many an opportunity to remind Jake of this ever since!!
Turkey day was a great one! My orange rolls (an absolute MUST for every Thanksgiving) turned out pretty well this year and the food was perfect! Thanksgiving really is one of my favorite holidays!!! Perhaps it is my obsession with food...but I like to think it's just getting together with the family!
We made a quick trip to the beach where Jake taught the kids to louer the seagulls with bread and then try to hit them with foam balls...they never got close, but we got some disturbed looks from a couple watching them!!
I also went to Katie's baby shower...her and Travis are having a baby girl in January!! We can't wait to meet Bristol Ann Nemrow!! While we were gone, Jake's sister, Sarah had her baby too!! Welcome to the world Sadie Groneman...we can hardly wait to meet you!!!
It was a quick and crazy busy trip...but going to California for Thanksgiving is one of my favorite things...now we are back and I am trying to get started on Christmas preparations!
Wednesday, November 5, 2008
The First Snow!
Sunday, November 2, 2008
Trick or Treat!

Wednesday, October 29, 2008
Little Kicker!

Sunday, October 26, 2008
High School Musical 3

It was a really fun movie if you like music and dancing...the kids had a blast and ate all the snacks before the movie even began...no big surprise there! What was really funny is that it turned out to be like a ward activity there. We knew almost everyone in the theater...even the whole Bishopric was there with their daughters and 2 of our favorite babysitters!
Then I had a big surprise for the girls when I returned from my "witchy weekend"...we stopped at East High in Salt Lake and took pictures! Brooke thought it was the best part of the weekend (she's a big Zac Efrom fan!). So here I am ... a big East High Wildcats fan!!

Witchy Weekend!

The next morning was more shopping in Park City, sushi for lunch, dinner at a fabulous Italian restaurant. We had such a blast! Thanks to Mom for providing all the fabulous accomodations and to everyone for lots of laughs (I am talking pee-your-pants/tears streaming down the face- type of laughs)! Sometimes it's good to remember that even though you are an old lady with 4 kids...you can pretend to be young again!!
Monday, October 20, 2008
Home from the Hunt!

Yee haw!! They all loved the horses and made their daddy so proud! Spencer is definately a cowboy at heart! It must be something about growing up in Utah! He's such a "man's man".

Even Rylee...who is usually terrified of such things...loved being on the horse! Uncle Sam was a trooper and made sure everyone had a safe ride! We are glad that all the men made it home from one more hunting trip...they all missed Sean and will be so excited when he comes back!
Wednesday, October 15, 2008
Pumpkin Day!!

Oh, and yes...as a photographer it completely drives me crazy that my kids will NOT look at the camera for pictures!! I mean really...what are they looking at??
Audree loved this ghost because she is a big fan of Casper the Friendly Ghost! We looked for him in the Haunted Mansion at Disneyland and who knew we would find him at PumpkinLand??
Then this evening we took the kids to the local pumpkin patch to pick out their pumpkins for Halloween decorating. Our kids do NOT like to get all gross and dirty cleaning out pumpkins...so they just wanted some to paint. I don't understand...Jake and I still like to cut ours open and cut a jack-o-lantern...but the kids just watch and think it's disgusting. Oh well...at least they don't mind getting a little dirty while we pick them out at the patch.
Notice Audree...she is totally famous for this looking into the wild blue yonder face in pictures! What is a mother to do??
Monday, October 6, 2008
Hee Haw Farms!!

Friday, October 3, 2008
His Daddy's Boy!!

Saturday, September 27, 2008
She's Seven!!

I have to say that this was one of the most well-behaved party groups ever assembled. Karlee has never been one who enjoys noise...so this quiet bunch was just what she would have wanted...I just had to laugh because I expected a bunch of giggly girls and in the end I was begging them to get crazy!!
These parties are always completely stressful to me, so they will only be coming around everyOTHER year...but last night Karlee gave me a huge tight hug and said, "Mom, this was the BEST birthday EVER!" and that made it all worthwhile!
Tuesday, September 23, 2008
Is this appropriate??
I am not even sure if this is an appropriate picture for a "family" blog...but they have been like this for about 1/2 an hour and they are thoroughly enjoying this game! Don't ask what the game is exactly...because I don't even know...but they have been laughing and bouncing around and have no plans to put clothes on!! I think this all started when I told Audree to get out of her dance clothes...I was hoping she would actually put something else on!! I guess I need to be more specific!
Tuesday, September 16, 2008
Jake's Worst Day!

Alright, I haven't had anything "blogworthy" happen in awhile...that is, until Jake woke up yesterday!! It all started on Sunday actually. Jake was supposed to fly to Virginia for some business meetings. He was a little concerned because he had a lay-over in Houston..and we knew that Hurricane Ike had caused some problems. He drove up to SLC thinking that he could find some way to switch flights or something and get to Virginia...but no luck! He drove back home with a flight to Virginia the next morning. I can't say I was sad...one less night by myself!!
So, Monday morning Jake left early (7:00 a.m.) for his 9:45 flight...he didn't want anything else to go wrong! He got on the flight and flew for over 5 hours to Washington D.C. (this flight was long and rather uncomfortable since he was sitting inbetween two strangers). As he was getting off the flight they told him he would have to run to make his connecting flight! So, he booked it and ran (the distance of a 5K from his description) to the connecting flight! As he ran up to the gate, sweaty and out of breath, they informed him that they thought he wasn't coming...so they gave his seat to someone else...he was out of luck! After some intense discussion it was clear that they were NOT going to let him on the plane...he was told he could get on the next plane in 7 hours!!
So, he wandered about, ate some "disgusting pizza", charged up his computer and sat around the airport for 7 hours. He finally boarded the plane and was quite surprised when they announced it was a 15-20 minute flight! He had no idea that the whole time he sat at the airport he was a 1 hour drive from his final destination!! He finally arrived at the Richmond, Virginia Airport at 12:30 a.m. local time. Then he went to get his rental car...
When he got to the desk they told him that he had arranged a car pickup for Sunday, not Monday, so he had no reservation! He got lucky on this one and they had an extra car he could have. He got the car and started on his way hoping that his memory would serve him on how to get to the hotel (he was there back in March). Well, it was really dark and he was pretty tired...so his memory was not what he had hoped. He made an illegal u-turn as he was trying to find his way around town and you guessed it...
Police lights started glaring in his back window. It is now 1:30 a.m. local time...he has been traveling 16 1/2 hours. He explains to the police officer that he is lost and the officer lets him off with a warning and helps him find the hotel. I thought for sure there would be no rooms available once he got there...but by some miracle he had a room. So, at 2:00 a.m. local time he got into his hotel room...I hope he fell asleep fast, because he had meetings at 7:30 a.m.!! Yikes!
Anyways, I had to write this down in case he ever tries to tell me what a bad day he had. Now I can always say "Well, it isn't as bad as Sept. 15, 2008!" I love you Jake...I hope your trip home is a lot better than your trip out!
Tuesday, September 9, 2008
Dancing Queen!

Wednesday, September 3, 2008
Watch Out!!

Even though it's a challenge to have all 3 girls involved in different things (Rylee=karate, Karlee=gymnastics, and Audree=dance) I am glad that they are not competing with one another...this way they can always be eachother's biggest supporters and cheerleaders! It also makes it fun to allow each of them their own time to shine...plus it's fun to watch them each grow in something different. Being a Mom really is becoming more and more fun! I am just so proud to be a part of their lives!
Monday, September 1, 2008
Labor Day!