I haven't even attempted going for a run since my triathalon last month. I have gone on some family bike rides (not exactly a vigorous workout) which always end up at the gas station where we get treats! So, when Karlee remembered that she wanted to run in the Pioneer Day kids 1 mile race I tried to come up with a way to talk her out of it. She had been waiting for it ever since the triathalon and kept asking when the kids race was coming. Well, since she wanted to run in her race at 7:00 a.m. and there was a 5K immediatley following, I decided to support her and run in the 5K too.
I was so proud of her! She ran that 1 mile run like a pro...well, a pro who walks then sprints, walks then sprints, walks then sprints, etc. Anyways, she was so cute...when she came in she said, "Mom, that run was so long!"
Then I ran in the 5K. I was surprised it went so well considering my lack of preparation. I finished in 34:34. I am not a fast runner, actually more of a slow jogger, but I am glad I got up and did it! Rylee and Karlee even met me at the finish line and ran in with me! Anyways, Happy Pioneer Day!