Alright, I haven't had anything "blogworthy" happen in awhile...that is, until Jake woke up yesterday!! It all started on Sunday actually. Jake was supposed to fly to Virginia for some business meetings. He was a little concerned because he had a lay-over in Houston..and we knew that Hurricane Ike had caused some problems. He drove up to SLC thinking that he could find some way to switch flights or something and get to Virginia...but no luck! He drove back home with a flight to Virginia the next morning. I can't say I was sad...one less night by myself!!
So, Monday morning Jake left early (7:00 a.m.) for his 9:45 flight...he didn't want anything else to go wrong! He got on the flight and flew for over 5 hours to Washington D.C. (this flight was long and rather uncomfortable since he was sitting inbetween two strangers). As he was getting off the flight they told him he would have to run to make his connecting flight! So, he booked it and ran (the distance of a 5K from his description) to the connecting flight! As he ran up to the gate, sweaty and out of breath, they informed him that they thought he wasn't coming...so they gave his seat to someone else...he was out of luck! After some intense discussion it was clear that they were NOT going to let him on the plane...he was told he could get on the next plane in 7 hours!!
So, he wandered about, ate some "disgusting pizza", charged up his computer and sat around the airport for 7 hours. He finally boarded the plane and was quite surprised when they announced it was a 15-20 minute flight! He had no idea that the whole time he sat at the airport he was a 1 hour drive from his final destination!! He finally arrived at the Richmond, Virginia Airport at 12:30 a.m. local time. Then he went to get his rental car...
When he got to the desk they told him that he had arranged a car pickup for Sunday, not Monday, so he had no reservation! He got lucky on this one and they had an extra car he could have. He got the car and started on his way hoping that his memory would serve him on how to get to the hotel (he was there back in March). Well, it was really dark and he was pretty tired...so his memory was not what he had hoped. He made an illegal u-turn as he was trying to find his way around town and you guessed it...
Police lights started glaring in his back window. It is now 1:30 a.m. local time...he has been traveling 16 1/2 hours. He explains to the police officer that he is lost and the officer lets him off with a warning and helps him find the hotel. I thought for sure there would be no rooms available once he got there...but by some miracle he had a room. So, at 2:00 a.m. local time he got into his hotel room...I hope he fell asleep fast, because he had meetings at 7:30 a.m.!! Yikes!
Anyways, I had to write this down in case he ever tries to tell me what a bad day he had. Now I can always say "Well, it isn't as bad as Sept. 15, 2008!" I love you Jake...I hope your trip home is a lot better than your trip out!