Last night was Rylee and Audree's dance recital...they were so adorable in their costumes!! Isn't Rylee's hip hop outfit so "Rylee"?? I loved it...and Audree looked like a tinkerbeel ballerina! We got there in time to have a front row seat and we were so excited that Grandma and Grandpa Clark could come to watch with us! They both danced perfectly and I couldn't be prouder of their great work!

Also, a huge storm is passing through Utah right now and today is the first "snow day" (school is cancelled!) that I have ever heard of while living here! We have had over 18 inches in the last 24 hours at our house...I usually don't appreciate the snow...but during the week of Christmas I think it's quite festive...so I am actually enjoying this beautiful Christmasy weather! The kids are very excited that their Christmas break just increased by one day...except Karlee...her class was supposed to perform a Christmas play that she wrote with her best friend. The class chose their play to perform and today was the big day...oh well, we'll just have to play in the snow instead!