We've been so busy the past couple weeks having fun with all of our extended family...I haven't had a chance to post anything...also, I keep forgetting my camera...so the pictures have been lacking! Anyways, the week between Christmas and New Year's my parents came to visit! We had so much fun just hanging out in the house, trying to avoid the snowstorms. We did some shopping and lunching. One night (that I really wish I had my camera) we went up to Salt Lake, had dinner at Applebees, then my dad and Brooke headed over to a Jazz game. My mom, Jake, me and the kids took Trax (which Spencer thought was the greatest thing ever...he cried when we got off) to Temple Square. We hoped to see the Christmas lights, but apparently we were one night too late...so instead we hit the visitor center and took a tour of the Conference Center. We had a really great time!!

Another day they were in town we all went to see "The Chipmunks Squeakqual" at the movies together...the movie was alright, but we had a great time! After the movie Dad and Brooke had to leave to watch another Jazz game, but Mom came with us and the kids to dinner. We went to Wallaby's (one of our favorite places) and they have a tradition there where you can leave your handprints on the wall. So after we ate, and Audree peed her pants and we cleaned up that disaster, we all put up our handprints! I wish Mom was in this picture...but she was there and left a handprint to prove it!
This week all of Jake's family has been in town for Sean's homecoming. We have all been really looking forward to seeing Casey and her girls and Sarah and Brady's family. Holly planned a day for us all to go up to her family's cabin to hang out. We had a fabulous time being pulled behind the snowmobiles on tubes, shooting guns, hanging out by the huge bonfire and warming up in the cabin...oh, and eating...there was a lot of that! The kids were so exhausted from the fun that when we left Audree was snoring in the back before we even pulled out of the driveway! The next day Sean gave his homecoming talk and did a great job...we are all so excited to have him back home! We enjoyed the afternoon at the Clark's and are trying to get back to reality. We have just had a great time with all of our family and feel so blessed to be surrounded by so many fun family members!