The past two weeks have been so much fun...but after all that running,driving and's nice to be home and trying to settle back into a routine!
A week ago was our annual Nemrow Family trip to the Ward's cabin. It was a blast!! Relaxing, crazy, snowy and toasty all rolled up into one great 3-day weekend! The adults had a wild time extreme tubing while Grandma GiGi played Valentine's party with the kids at the cabin...then we did some fun tubing with the kids, snowmobiling (the night time adults ride was my personal favorite...I had to bail off the snowmobile one time, I guess my snowbile skills need some work!). It was so fun for Spencer and Audree to have Mackenzie and Garrett there...they were in heaven hanging out with their cousins! We had WAY too much hot cocoa, lots of chicken quesadillas, a few too many corn dogs and a bucket of there was plenty of food around. Brooke taught Shanna and I some sweet dance moves and everyone shared their best moves for this year's movie (every year I create a movie from our trip...they are always quite entertaining!). The hot tub capped off our evenings and yahtzee games were always going on. It really was a perfect escape!

After all that fun, we used the following week to clean up and prepare for the next weekend. On Friday we headed out again...this time we headed south to Las Vegas. I was scheduled to take my cousin"s (Clayton Allsop)wedding pictures...and since Ron Carter is such an amazing friend and always gets us stellar deals on hotels we decided to spend the weekend playing in the sunshine down there! The kids were so good the whole trip and just loved hanging out together. While I did the wedding, Jake took the kids swimming, watched a movie and took them and out to pizza for dinner...what a great Dad! The next morning we opened our little Valentine's and then headed out to a local park (it was like 70 degrees outside...hooray!) where we played an intense game of toilet tag together, then we went swimming again! We packed up and headed home Sunday evening. It really was a great time and so nice just to be together! Thanks for a great weekend guys!