After 8 1/2 years of daily diaper changes (about half of that time I had 2 kids in diapers)...the unthinkable has's over! Yep, Spencer is potty trained. There were some tears shed and a pair of underwear or two were thrown out...but it went fairly quickly. He was motivated by a toy car that sat on the sink staring at him for days and by nightly presents for dry pants. I waited awhile to share the news for fear of jinxing it...but it's been about 10 days and for the last 8 he has even been dry at night! It's nothing short of a miracle in my book. Doesn't he look all grown up (and skinny as a rail)in his "big boy underpants"??
I have to say that I have reflected on the whole thing (no really, it's a big deal!) and feel so excited to move on to this next phase of motherhood...we also signed Audree up for Kindergarten this week...they are all just moving on to the next step in their little lives and I am so excited to be their mom for all of this! Sure, I will miss crawling babies, snuggling in a rocking chair, using a binky to make them quiet...but I still have a few years of playing Dr. Mommy, squirting them with the hose, and reading books to them at bedtime...and I am sure when that passes I will find things to love about the next phase too. I just LOVE where I am and I LOVE being their mom!