Audree ended her pre-school year with a fabulous performance! I love how animated she is when she sings! She was sad to leave Mrs. Wall and Mrs. Darling, but she is so excited to go to kindergarten!

One of the end of the year activities at the elementary school is called "mini-society". The 6th grade students put on a society with booths...they sell things and hold contests, etc. The younger students earn money with good behavior to spend at the "mini-society". This year Karlee came home with hot pink hair and candy...Rylee came home with green hair and "swimmy". Yep...she ignored all of our "no pets" rules and brought home a fish. Well, I was feeling generous and when I went to get Swimmy some food (I can't just let the thing die in a jar!) I also decided Swimmy looked lonely...so I got him a friend. This is where the story starts to sound a lot like one from my own childhood...the next morning the water looked murky, so I decided to clean it out. I poured the water out and caught the fish in a strainer and put them under running water while I re-filled the jar. I poured them back into the jar with clean water...only Swimmy floated to the top on his side and I quickly realized that the water I ran them under was really warm. I killed Swimmy!! Getting him a friend must have been inspiration, because that little guy is the only one who lives here now...Swimmy has gone to a better place. Mom...I totally forgive you for killing my fish in 4th grade!

Last night Audree had her spring dance recital. She was a star to me! She smiled and danced perfectly! I had fun doing her hair in this fancy updo...so I had to show you all how it turned out! She looked like a princess and I was so proud of her!