For years now we have talked about taking the kids camping...I always felt that we should save that adventure until the kids were old enough not to eat dirt and I wouldn't have to bring diapers. This year the stars aligned and we got excited to head out into the wild. We bought a tent and picked a weekend. Jake had a day off work because of Pioneer Day and it worked out perfectly. We just headed up to Rock Canyon (about a 20 minute drive)...we were going to go to Payson Canyon until we heard there was an aggressive bear up there (it actually was shot by wildlife officials while were up Rock Canyon). Anyways, we were going to head to a campground, but when we got there is was closed and the sun was setting...so we found a great spot off a dirt road and set up camp. I think it's really cool that we live just 20 minutes away from seclusion in the mountains!!
We enjoyed a campfire with s'mores, the kids searched for treasures, we watched the stars come out and then hit the tent. Besides a deer that freaked us out (we used Jake's keys to push the lock button on his truck...the lights and horn got that deer running!) we slept well and woke up to doughnuts around the campfire the next morning. We took the kids on a hike to a great lookout point, had lunch and packed up to head home. It was the perfect little escape! The kids absolutely loved it and Jake and I actually had a blast too. We will be doing that a lot more often...hopefully with friends next time!