Jake had to fly to Virginia for a week for work...I had nothing to do here at home that week...SO...we drove out California (he flew in and out of there for his trip) and I got to hang out with my family and the kids for over a week...we had a blast! Here are some pictures to catch you up!
One of the days we met with Sheralyn and her kids to feed the ducks and turtles at the park. The kids had fun getting to know eachother (my girls decided that the boys were "hot" and have debated over who gets which boy ever since...and the drama begins!)

We did a LOT of swimming!! In fact, Audree and Spencer both learned to swim without lifejackets this trip and it was always more fun when Garrett and Mackenzie came to swim with us!

One morning we went down and got muffins at "The Shoppes" with GiGi and then went to the "falls" to cool off.

One of the afternoons GiGi came with us and we hit the Santa Ana Zoo...it made the Utah Hogle Zoo seem like an African Safari. It was pretty much a couple birds, a whole bunch of monkeys and a plastic cow (I am not even joking about the plastic cow!!). It was fun and we wasted a couple hours there, but I don't recommend it. Also, Audree was NOT happy about the dirt that kept creeping into her flip flops there...oh the drama!

On our last day there (Jake returned and we got to hang out for a day before heading back!) Blair and Shanna took us out to Canyon Lake to do some skiing and boating! Karlee and Rylee waterskiied and had so much fun...Karlee swears she did a jump over some wake! Jake took a turn and showed he still has some skills and I got up and fell over a couple times (and paid for it with soreness the next morning!). We did a lot of eating and swimming around and generally just relaxed...thanks for a great day guys!

There was also a day at the beach (which I would rather not remember...got soaked by a rouge wave, traffic, screaming children, etc.), Jake and I went to the gun range with Blair and Shanna, we went out for a yummy pizza dinner with Travis and Katie and Mom and Dad, I got to visit my Grandma Nemrow with the kids, we watched some movies and just had a great end-of-summer extravaganza!

Then today...school started...summer is done. I can't believe my Karlee is in 4th grade and Rylee is in 2nd (Audree starts kindergarten next week). Can't wait to see what this year will hold!