I can't believe a whole year has passed since her baptism! Karlee is growing up into such a beautiful girl and we had a great time celebrating her big day! When I asked her what she wanted for her birthday she literally told me that she wanted a hula hoop and a six-pack of root beer. Who am I to argue? So, we had planned to go as a family to Trafalga to celebrate and decided we would bring her best friend, Makayla, with us. Karlee chose for us to go to Applebees for lunch and then we headed out to Trafalga!

Lucky for us, the summer weather has held out for a little longer than usual. Trafalga was warm and not very crowded...perfect! After a couple of rides we hit the bumper cars and got completely soaked...so then we hit the miniature golf course to dry off!

After a sweet game of golf and a little rock climbing we decided to head home for presents and cake. Karlee got an outfit and homemade blanket from Grandma GiGi and a perfect best friends necklace from Makayla...and of course, a hula hoop and rootbeer from Mom and Dad. It was a great day and a great start to being 9!!