So, Spencer's birthday is actually tomorrow...but since Saturday is a better day to celebrate...we partied today! We decided to make this a family party and take him bowling! We bowled, had pizza and cupcakes and opened presents...I think the best present of all was letting him believe that he beat us all at bowling! Actually, he was pretty stoked about the Hot Wheels scooter he got, he said,"I've wanted this my whole life!" It was a ton of fun...one of the funniest things is that they celebrated his birthday at preschool earlier this week and he has been wearing his crown ever since...he loves that thing, ha ha! Also, on Thursday Jake and I took him out for a birthday lunch at the mall and while we were walking in to the restaurant he asked us, "Can you have the chefs sing to me?"...we laughed so hard and we asked the waitress if the chefs would come sing to him!! He seemed satisfied when the waitresses did it instead! So funny! We are simply smitten with this boy and couldn't be prouder of how he's growing up! Happy Birthday, Bubba!