Well, we've had a lot going on...I just haven't been very good about taking pictures and documenting it! Karlee has been busy in the midst of cheer competition season...they took 1st place a couple weeks ago and she glowed for days!! It's so fun to go with her and hang out at competitions...she has 2 more to go this year! Audree has been busy learning piano (pretty much on her own!!) she has been practicing "It's a Small World" and wants to play it in the upcoming school talent show! Spencer has been enjoying the spring-like weather around here by taking me out to play soccer with him...it's a blast and he's quite competitive with me! Rylee has been playing basketball this season...and she is so competitive and determined! She is the team's leading rebounder and loves to play defense! In her last game there was a girl on the other team who was quite a bit bigger than everyone else...after she had frustrated a few girls on Rylee's team, Rylee begged to defend her! The coach put her in and she was all over that girl...she may be short, but she uses all her best skills!! We LOVE to watch her!

Karlee worked really hard on her science project this last month. We decided to do it on cheerleading! We tested which stretch would help get your toe-touch jumps the highest. Several girls on her team helped us do the tests and it turned out pretty good!! In fact, out of the entire 5th grade her project was one of the ones chosen to go on to the District Fair! Nice Job, Kars!

Today is Valentines Day! I was planning to do a big family dinner to celebrate...but, my Grandma Nemrow passed away this past week (which is sad for me, but good for her...she lived a long life full of family and she was very sick). So, I am flying out to California tonight to be with my family for the funeral. Anyways, I still wanted to celebrate Valentine's with the kids and Jake. So, I woke up early to make waffles, strawberries, bacon and juice for breakfast! We gave eachother Valentines and small gifts. It was a fun morning...nobody even seemed to mind getting up early! Here are the kiddos headed out to school for their big Valentine's Day parties! I will miss everyone the next couple days...but we are going to try out "FaceTime" on my new Ipad! I love you guys so much!! I am the luckiest mama in the world and I am so grateful that Jake is my very best friend! Happy Valentine's Day!