Spencer has had a 2-wheeler bike for a couple years now...but just hasn't been tall enough to ride it without training wheels! But recently he had a growth spurt and the spring sunshine came out and we decided it was time for him to learn to ride a 2-wheeler! I worked with him and he would get scared and I would get mad and it would turn ugly...that was for about a week...but finally after several tries, he told me I could let go and off he went! Hooray!!! Jake has been showing him the all-important steps of how to stop, get on and off by himself and how to hop on and and get going! Of course, as soon as he learned he LOVES it and told me, "I really am a 5 year old!". Also, the day he learned to ride all by himself he was wearing his "Stong Like Daddy" shirt and the next day he put it back on...when I said we should put on a different clean shirt he cried and said he couldn't ride his bike without his "Stong Like Daddy" shirt...so, let's just say he wore a dirty shirt, but was a happy kid!

I don't know why, but it makes me feel like a good parent that all 4 of my kids can ride a bike! That somehow feels like a big accomplishment and it just makes my heart happy to see them out riding bikes on a warm sunny day!

What do you think...does he look excited about his newest accomplishment?