Wednesday, May 21, 2014
Audree's 3rd grade program
Jake and I weren't thrilled about the theme of Audree's 3rd Grade program this year...Going Green(a bit of propoganda we don't agree with)...but we were excited to support her! She did a fabulous job and knew every word and motion to every song...we especially like her over-the-top rapping for the song "Ecology Rap" and we also loved the eyebrow waves we got from Audree while we were in the audience. She is such a performer and we love to watch her no matter what she's doing! Great job, Audge!
Best Mother's Day gift EVER!!
So, our family is widely known around these parts to ride our scooters together in the evenings when the weather is nice. It's just something we enjoy! I also like to go pick my kids up from their friend's houses by taking a little scooter ride around the neighborhood. For the past 2 years I have used Audree's scooter and she has had to ride her bike (which she didn't mind)...but for Mother's Day this year my family gave me the best gift very own scooter!! I named her "Belle" because she is a beautiful pink scooter with fancy streamers and she even has a bell!! Anyways, we have already taken her out on a couple of nice rides and she is perfect! Love it!
Monday, May 12, 2014
Karlee had her final band concert for the year and did a great job! Jake, who knows a thing or two about trumpets, was so impressed with her performance it made him a little teary! She has really enjoyed playing the trumpet this year...partially due to the fact that she is the only girl in her class and tells us that she is the queen in there and the boys are her servants. But, she also has just done a great job and enjoys playing. We are proud of all of her hard work in Junior High this year...she has consistently had almost straight A's and has excelled in her school work. You go, girl!!

Field Trip Disaster
Spencer had a field trip and begged me to come along, but I had a wedding that, Dad to the rescue!! Jake was able to take time that day to go on the field trip. It ended up being a crazy day! The trip was supposed to be to the farm, but it had been raining and was a muddy mess (you don't want to add 120 1st graders to that!@!) So, last minute, they changed the trip to Thanksgiving Point. Which is great, but the only thing available was the farm animals, which wasn't very exciting...but you know what...1st graders don't care, they were just excited to be away from school!! Then, they headed to BYU to visit the museum there for the 2nd half of the day. Only when they got there it was closed!! So, they played games in the parking lot outside the stadium. Again...1st graders were happy about everything! So funny, poor teachers, great day! Spencer and Dad just had a blast spending time together and with Spencer's crazy friends.

Audree Hershey Track
Jake and I had a blast spending the day at the track with Audree and her friends! Keeping with the Clark tradition, Audree did a fantastic job at the races and the long jump. She won her first race, the 100 meter and then took 2nd in the semis. Then she also raced the 200 meter and took 3rd place. She also made sure to cheer on all of her friends and classmates...which made me so proud to be her mom! Love that girl!!
Talent Show Time!!
This year Spencer and Audree decided that they wanted to do a talent for the school talent show (Rylee decided to sit this one out). This was Spencer's first year to do the talent show and it took awhile to figure out what he should do, but then it came to him...Fly paper airplanes and make funny faces!! Truly these are 2 of his greatest talents...we set the routine to music and it was hilarious and awesome. His classmates loved it and I was proud of him for being brave...great job, dude!! Audree sang a song from "Tangled" and it was beautiful. We put extensions in her hair to make a super long braid...just like in the movie!! Audree was fearless and sang so beautiful it made me teary. You guys are just the best!
Rylee is 11!!
WWHHHAAAATTTTTT!! Rylee is now an 11 year more year and this beauty will be in Young Women's! Her birthday festivities were spread out over several days because of all our activities and obligations. Rylee likes it that way...more birthday! She wanted to have a family dinner at IHOP, Karlee couldn't make it (school dance night), but the rest of us enjoyed some pancakes and ice cream with her!! That night she opened one of her gifts...did I mention that Rylee likes shoes??? And silly faces?? Then on Saturday she wanted to go get pedicures with mom, so we did!! It was FABULOUS! Rylee especially liked the parafin wax treatment, divine!! On her actual birthday Mom & Dad picked her up from school and took her to lunch...her choice, Subway. Then that night we had giant ice cream cones (Rylee said she didn't want a cake, she wanted ice cream cones) and Grandma & Grandpa Clark stopped by! Besides the shoes, Rylee got a journal and some cake mixes from Mom & Dad and an adorable outfit from Grandma GiGi and Grandpa Nemrow. What a great birthday it was, we couldn't be more proud of you Rylee!!


Karlee School Dance
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