Rylee has been looking forward to running for the 6th grade student council ever since Karlee was a part of it 2 years ago. Rylee is a planner...so she has been thinking about slogans and coming up with all sorts of ideas. The time finally arrived and it was like Christmas for her! The first step is to fill out the paperwork, including doing a couple hours of community service (she baked cookies for her soccer team, helped clean up a ward party and helped Grandma clean her house) and write an essay. Then she had to give a 15-20 second speech to her class. The class then voted for 3 kids to move on to the school elections. Rylee's speech included a short dance segment ( so cute!) and she was voted one of the 3 in her class to move on. So, there were 9 kids total running in the school-wide election.
The next week was school election time. She decided on the slogan "A Vote for Rylee will make you Smiley!". We made posters and stickers for her to hand out at school. She had to do a speech for the school election, as well. This speech also included a dance segment and about 10 of her friends...she said a few short sentences about why you should vote for her and then said, "Besides, a vote for Rylee will make you smiley. Afterall, just look at these kids who voted for me..." Then the song "Happy" was played while her friends danced by...but Spencer walked by sadly, she pulled him out of the line and said, "Wait, you didn't vote for Rylee!" and then the dancing continued. It was pretty clever and cute! Lastly, I made Rylee a shirt to wear on election day. She came up with what she wanted and I put it together for her.
The way the election works is that the 4th-6th grade students all vote for their 3 top choices for student council. The student with the most votes becomes President, the 2nd most votes is VP and the 3rd most votes is Secretary. I was so nervous for her to come home on election day...I knew she would be heartbroken if she wasn't elected to something. I was prepared for a bit of drama. But, to all of our delight, Rylee came home beaming...she was voted
President! I know that Rylee is a good friend to everyone at school and she is just so dang fun to be around and I couldn't be more proud. She is the first girl ever elected to be President at the school. Love her!