Today was the BIG day and we got lucky everything fell into place! About a month ago I was thinking I would have Spencer be a ghost for I said, "hey spence, you want to be a ghost for Halloween??" and he replied..."No! I want to be a pirate!!" He was insistent and so I gave in and bought a really cute costume online. It came to our house and I pulled it out of the box and he acted excited until I tried to put it on him...then he flipped out! He REFUSED to put that costume on and for the past 2 weeks it sat on my dresser and he wouldn't get near it. He kept saying, "I don't like to be a pirate, it's scary."
Then we had a ward Halloween party 2 days ago...he could only go if he put on the costume. After some discussion he gave in and luckily hasn't fought it since. I think he looks adorable in it! whew...disaster averted!
Also, Audree hasn't felt very well the last day...just a low grade fever and a tummy ache. I thought it would get worse right before trick-or-treating, but an afternoon nap and a bit of Ibuprophen and she hit the street running. whew...disaster 2 averted!
So, here are the pictures of the kids about to collect their spoils...oh, and Jake and I got in on the act too!