Today was the BIG day and we got lucky everything fell into place! About a month ago I was thinking I would have Spencer be a ghost for I said, "hey spence, you want to be a ghost for Halloween??" and he replied..."No! I want to be a pirate!!" He was insistent and so I gave in and bought a really cute costume online. It came to our house and I pulled it out of the box and he acted excited until I tried to put it on him...then he flipped out! He REFUSED to put that costume on and for the past 2 weeks it sat on my dresser and he wouldn't get near it. He kept saying, "I don't like to be a pirate, it's scary."
Then we had a ward Halloween party 2 days ago...he could only go if he put on the costume. After some discussion he gave in and luckily hasn't fought it since. I think he looks adorable in it! whew...disaster averted!
Also, Audree hasn't felt very well the last day...just a low grade fever and a tummy ache. I thought it would get worse right before trick-or-treating, but an afternoon nap and a bit of Ibuprophen and she hit the street running. whew...disaster 2 averted!
So, here are the pictures of the kids about to collect their spoils...oh, and Jake and I got in on the act too!
We just love your guys costumes...Give the kids big hugs and kisses from all of us. we can't wait to see you again soon!!!
Love the costumes! Your kids are lucky to have such a talented photographer with them all the time. They are going to have some amazing pictures of their childhoods! Miss you!
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