Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Check Mate!!

Several weeks ago Rylee came home from school all excited and waving a piece of paper in front of me. She was begging me to sign her up for a chess tournament. I don't know how to play's too complicated, just a bit of checkers is right up my alley! But, I knew that Jake is pretty good at chess and the two of them would have fun playing together. So, I asked Jake to teach her and prep her for the tournament (which he gladly agreed to) and I signed her up. She had about 3-4 weeks to play and prepare...honestly her interest came in spurts, but she was excited and nervous when the day arrived. The way the tournament worked was that she played 6 rounds, each against a different 2nd grader...they got 1 point for a win, 1/2 point for a draw and 0 for a loss. Anyways, she ended up winning her first game...FAST...and we thought that was pretty impressive. After that she lost 3 games, and had 2 draws. Some kids there have been playing on teams and with clubs for it was an interesting mix of people and abilities. It was a LONG day (the tournament lasted 6 hours!) and she was bummed when she lost some of those games, but in the end she said it was fun and she'd like to do it again next year. We'll see if she's really interested later, but it was fun to go and cheer her on! My favorite thing about the day was that the tournament was filled with mostly super-smart little boys and my Rylee...with her hip hop hat and bright colored ensemble stood out like a sore thumb, but she didn't notice a thing and loved the competition. Anyways, I was glad to spend my Saturday hanging out at the chess tournament with my Rylee!!

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