I am a really mean mom and I don't buy school pictures...c'mon I am a photographer...I buy the class photo for memory sake (and so they can point out the boys they like!). Anyways, today I got them ready for picture day and decided to take my own photo before they left! Spencer wanted a turn too...so, here are their "school pictures" for this year!
"Chameleons get so rich when they get the treasure at the end of the rainbow!" - Spencer said this one when we were looking at a beautiful rainbow after a rainstorm the other day. Chameleon/ leprechaun...whatever, same difference!
"Only YOU can make forest fires!" - When we saw Smokey the Bear at the parade today, Audree was SURE she knew his tag line. You are close, but oh so wrong my Audree!
"I am feelin the burn!...Man, I am going as fast as a peacock!" - Spencer said this (while trying to catch his breath) today while he was using an eliptical at the sporting goods store. Jake and I looked at eachother and busted out laughing...then we said, "for sure, at least as fast as a peacock!"
"It's gonna be poo. I just know it." - Spencer said this the other night when Audree asked me what was for dinner and I told her whatever it was...it was gonna be totally disgusting! (I only said this to her because she thinks EVERYTHING I make is totally disgusting!) Spencer's response had us all laughing all night!
"oh, man...I am a total failure!" - Spencer said this when he took last place playing MarioKart on grandma's Wii! He has been saying the funniest and most unexpected things lately and uses quite grown-up language! So funny!
"Mom, do you eat babies?" Spencer asked me this one...to which I replied "No, that's a silly question" Then he said, "Then how to they get in your tummy?" ummm...I just said, "Heavenly Father puts them there." Then he says, "Oh, did you see him?" Yep, Spencer was full of tough questions today!
"A hundred and a million and a hundred and a million" - Spencer uses this phrase to describe anything that is big! It's how old dad is, how tall he will be when he grows up, how fast a monster truck goes or how many stars are in the sky! It's his all-purpose BIG number!
"Mom, what letter is Dad on?" - Karlee asked me this while I was doing dishes...she was looking at Jake's multi-vitamins that said "A thru Z" on the label. Hilarious!
"My favorite kind of fish is ham!" - Audree said this today and I laughed so hard I cried...then she got mad and said I was making fun of her...oops!
"Mom, You have the best ingredients!" - Spencer said this to me today when I served him a hot dog on a bun for dinner. So easy to please!
"Ahh, nuts!" - Spencer says this all the time when things don't go the way he wants. Nobody else in the family says this and I don't know where he came up with it, but it's hilarious!
"My blanket is so save-y and catchish!" - Spencer said this today when his sucker fell on his blanket intstead of the dirty floor of the van. So funny!
"Mom, these are the best days of my life because I am in kindergarten now!" - Audree told me this when I asked her how school was the other day!
"I think I love them" - This was Spencer's answer when I asked him,"Bub, what do you think about having all these crazy big sisters?" Doesn't he just make your heart melt?
"No Mom, It's all about the money!" - This is what Karlee told me at our garage sale the other day. She was upset that nobody was buying her toys, so I told her that it was just for fun and not to worry about it. This was her response. That's my girl!
I am married to Jake...a total stud and my very best friend. We have 4 kids who are the joy and misery of my daily life as a stay-at-home Mom! I am also a photographer and digital scrapbooker! I love living in small town Utah and am living out all of my childhood dreams!
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