We had a great time scooping the goop out of our pumpkins!! Sort of...
Dressing up is awesome!! We got to dress-up for the ward carnival (always an annual favorite!), again for school parade and again for trick-or-treating! This year was the warmest Halloween on record here in Utah so it's been LOTS of fun (no jackets to hide the costumes!).
Karlee was an 80's nerd (she matched her bestie, Makayla) and was hilarious!
Rylee was "Kissin' Kate" from the book/movie "Holes". Don't just call her a cowgirl...she's way cooler than that!
Audree was an angel...so appropriate! What a cutie!
Spencer was stoked to be a T-Rex! Isn't he scary?!
Jake and I got in on the act too...Jake was "Shawn White" the snowboarder (since his werewolf wig didn't turn out as planned!) and I was a black widow (inspired by the super cool spider ring my mother-in-law gave me!). We have so much fun on Halloween!
Even our goldfish named "Pig" got festive! Of course, he was a pig!
The School Parade was great too! And oh so warm!
Wednesday, October 31, 2012
Friday, October 19, 2012
Too Busy to Blog!!
It's Fall!! We have been having SO much fun...too much fun to post it all on the blog! Here are some highlights from the last few weeks!
Jake and I got to go with Spencer's kindergarten class on a field trip to Downtown Springville! The grocery store, the Post Office, the Library and the Fire Departement (Spencer LOVED it when they sprayed the hoses at the Fire Dept.!). It was so funny to see Spencer with his little friend, Jack! What a group of silly (and quite "huggy" kids!). It was a blast!
Grandpa Nemrow came to spend a few days with us too! He went to General Conference and a BYU game...and then he met me and the kids at a Utah Jazz scrimmage. The kids were excited to see what it was like where the Jazz play. It wasn't nearly as exciting as a "real" game...but it was a fun (and free!) thing to do! It was fun to spend time with Grandpa and we were bummed when he had to leave...we missed Grandma who was at home preparing for hip replacement surgery...can't wait to see her at Thanksgiving!
For Fall Break we headed down to St. George hoping for a warm getaway...no such luck! We were able to squeeze in a round of golf before the wind and the rain hit, but we were REALLY bummed because we had tickets to see Aladdin at Tuacahn and it got cancelled at the last minute! We made the best of things by going to the movies instead...Hotel Transylvania was a great show! It was great just to be together and escape the chaos at home!
Spencer has been so excited to get our pumpkins this year...he has asked me over and over again, day after day...when are we getting our pumpkins?! This has been another crazy month for photography (8 weddings in the past 8 weeks...plus family shoots!)...so trying to find a night that isn't filled with soccer, gymnastics, young womens, or photography is nearly impossible! We finally found a night when we could get to the patch and about 20 mintues before we head out crazy swirling winds begin. But us Clarks, we never give up...so, off we headed into the storm! At least we pretty much had the pumpkin patch all to ourselves! It was still fun and we found some great pumpkins to bring home. The first thing Spencer did the next morning was go outside to make sure all the pumpkins were still there...he was pretty sure one of them had moved about 6 inches, so he fixed it and was satisfied! So funny!
Jake and I got to go with Spencer's kindergarten class on a field trip to Downtown Springville! The grocery store, the Post Office, the Library and the Fire Departement (Spencer LOVED it when they sprayed the hoses at the Fire Dept.!). It was so funny to see Spencer with his little friend, Jack! What a group of silly (and quite "huggy" kids!). It was a blast!
Grandpa Nemrow came to spend a few days with us too! He went to General Conference and a BYU game...and then he met me and the kids at a Utah Jazz scrimmage. The kids were excited to see what it was like where the Jazz play. It wasn't nearly as exciting as a "real" game...but it was a fun (and free!) thing to do! It was fun to spend time with Grandpa and we were bummed when he had to leave...we missed Grandma who was at home preparing for hip replacement surgery...can't wait to see her at Thanksgiving!
For Fall Break we headed down to St. George hoping for a warm getaway...no such luck! We were able to squeeze in a round of golf before the wind and the rain hit, but we were REALLY bummed because we had tickets to see Aladdin at Tuacahn and it got cancelled at the last minute! We made the best of things by going to the movies instead...Hotel Transylvania was a great show! It was great just to be together and escape the chaos at home!
Spencer has been so excited to get our pumpkins this year...he has asked me over and over again, day after day...when are we getting our pumpkins?! This has been another crazy month for photography (8 weddings in the past 8 weeks...plus family shoots!)...so trying to find a night that isn't filled with soccer, gymnastics, young womens, or photography is nearly impossible! We finally found a night when we could get to the patch and about 20 mintues before we head out crazy swirling winds begin. But us Clarks, we never give up...so, off we headed into the storm! At least we pretty much had the pumpkin patch all to ourselves! It was still fun and we found some great pumpkins to bring home. The first thing Spencer did the next morning was go outside to make sure all the pumpkins were still there...he was pretty sure one of them had moved about 6 inches, so he fixed it and was satisfied! So funny!
Monday, October 1, 2012
6th Grade Student Council
So, Karlee has wanted to be on the 6th grade student council since about 3rd grade! This was the big year! Honestly, I was a little nervous for her because I ran for student council in 6th grade and lost to Tony Chipetta (I am still a little bitter over the whole thing! ha ha)...I just didn't want her to be devastated! But, I should have known better...

So, they had one weekend to do 2 hours of community service, write an essay and plan a campaign including posters, hand-outs and preparing a speech! Yikes, and this was the week when Jake was out-of-town in Virginia! The campaign would last Monday-Thursday with an assembly on Friday. Then the 4th-6th grade students would vote...there were 12 kids who ran (all of whom would actually be on the council, the campaign was just to determine who would be Pres., VP, Secretary and Activities chair). Two of Karlee's best friends were running with her too (which was great because no matter what, they would all be on the council together!).
Karlee and I got right to work! She did the community service and wrote the essay (I was impressed with her essay and only helped her with planning and some corrections). We came up with the plan that her campaign would be about being "Flippn' Awesome" and include some gymnastics stuff. We made the posters and hung them up at school...I think they turned out great!
Then we made stickers to hand out to the students! Rylee and Karlee handed out 100 of these during the week and kept wishing we had more!! Rylee really was her biggest fan!She gave a speech that included a standing back-tuck (which was pretty impressive!). The speech was recorded and then shown at an assembly on Friday. I like how she ended the speech by saying that if you vote for Karlee this year will be "Flippn' Awesome"!
On the day of the big vote she wanted to wear a shirt so that everyone would know who she was...so we made this shirt for her...she chose the saying on the back...I thought it was so clever!!
Anyways, after the big vote on Friday we found out that Karlee was voted the Secretary of the student council!! Awesome job, Kars!! She was so excited and I was so proud of her! What a great kid!

So, they had one weekend to do 2 hours of community service, write an essay and plan a campaign including posters, hand-outs and preparing a speech! Yikes, and this was the week when Jake was out-of-town in Virginia! The campaign would last Monday-Thursday with an assembly on Friday. Then the 4th-6th grade students would vote...there were 12 kids who ran (all of whom would actually be on the council, the campaign was just to determine who would be Pres., VP, Secretary and Activities chair). Two of Karlee's best friends were running with her too (which was great because no matter what, they would all be on the council together!).
Karlee and I got right to work! She did the community service and wrote the essay (I was impressed with her essay and only helped her with planning and some corrections). We came up with the plan that her campaign would be about being "Flippn' Awesome" and include some gymnastics stuff. We made the posters and hung them up at school...I think they turned out great!
Then we made stickers to hand out to the students! Rylee and Karlee handed out 100 of these during the week and kept wishing we had more!! Rylee really was her biggest fan!She gave a speech that included a standing back-tuck (which was pretty impressive!). The speech was recorded and then shown at an assembly on Friday. I like how she ended the speech by saying that if you vote for Karlee this year will be "Flippn' Awesome"!
On the day of the big vote she wanted to wear a shirt so that everyone would know who she was...so we made this shirt for her...she chose the saying on the back...I thought it was so clever!!
Anyways, after the big vote on Friday we found out that Karlee was voted the Secretary of the student council!! Awesome job, Kars!! She was so excited and I was so proud of her! What a great kid!
Karlee's 11 years old!!
Well, she just keeps doin' it...growing up! Karlee turned 11 last week! We did a couple things to celebrate because Daddy had to be out-of-town for the actual birthday. So, on Friday night we went out to Chick-fil-a (Karlee's choice) for dinner and we came home and had brownie sundaes...yum! Karlee has really enjoyed boating this summer and we have been talking about saving up our money to buy a boat of our own...so she asked for a kneeboard for her birthday...and some Cheetos and Doritos! I think she was pleased with her gifts! The next day we took Grandma and Grandpa's boat out to Utah Lake with some friends (the Anderson family and Karlee's friend, Kallie). It was the Anderson's and Kallie's first time on a boat! We had a great day! I didn't get any photos because I was videotaping the kids, but it was great!Everyone tested out the new kneeboard (it was a big hit!) and Karlee and Rylee both skiied on our new kid's waterskiis!
On her actual birthday I had to be at Young Women's and we were having a beehive 80's get-together for our activity...Karlee SO wanted to be there...so we decided to have the activity at our house and it was a blast! The girls all dressed up 80's style, we had PopRocks and carmel popcorn, played 80's board games and Just Dance on the wii. I even made some bright colored 80's cupcakes for the occasion! Karlee thought that was a great birthday night! Anyways, I love that Karlee...she makes me proud everyday!
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