So, they had one weekend to do 2 hours of community service, write an essay and plan a campaign including posters, hand-outs and preparing a speech! Yikes, and this was the week when Jake was out-of-town in Virginia! The campaign would last Monday-Thursday with an assembly on Friday. Then the 4th-6th grade students would vote...there were 12 kids who ran (all of whom would actually be on the council, the campaign was just to determine who would be Pres., VP, Secretary and Activities chair). Two of Karlee's best friends were running with her too (which was great because no matter what, they would all be on the council together!).
Karlee and I got right to work! She did the community service and wrote the essay (I was impressed with her essay and only helped her with planning and some corrections). We came up with the plan that her campaign would be about being "Flippn' Awesome" and include some gymnastics stuff. We made the posters and hung them up at school...I think they turned out great!
Then we made stickers to hand out to the students! Rylee and Karlee handed out 100 of these during the week and kept wishing we had more!! Rylee really was her biggest fan!She gave a speech that included a standing back-tuck (which was pretty impressive!). The speech was recorded and then shown at an assembly on Friday. I like how she ended the speech by saying that if you vote for Karlee this year will be "Flippn' Awesome"!
On the day of the big vote she wanted to wear a shirt so that everyone would know who she was...so we made this shirt for her...she chose the saying on the back...I thought it was so clever!!
Anyways, after the big vote on Friday we found out that Karlee was voted the Secretary of the student council!! Awesome job, Kars!! She was so excited and I was so proud of her! What a great kid!
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