When my kids are 3 years old I always participate in neighborhood preschool groups. The kids love it, it's free, we keep the groups small and I think it gets them ready for "real" preschool when they are 4. I really have loved doing it for each one of the kids. This has been Spencer's year!
I had the kids over here this week for my turn and I realized that I have one more turn at our house and then I will be done...not just for the year...but forever! It's moments like this when I reflect on how they are growing up and these "stages" will pass quickly by since I had them all so close together. Anyways, this year has been fun because I chose all the boy themes...I have never wanted the "boy themes" before! We did dinosaurs, trains...So, today we had letter "X"...which is totally the hardest letter...except we made it "X" marks the spot day...PIRATES!
We had a treasure hunt, made Pirate hats and played "Who's got the gabloon?"...it was great times! Oh, and Audree has afternoon kindergarten, so she loves to participate in our preschool when it's at our house! I think I will love to look back on these memories of their little preschool groups and I feel so blessed to have such great neighbors to do this with!