Wednesday, October 19, 2011


October is ALWAYS a crazy month for business is busting at the seams! I have 6 weddings in 6 weeks...including bridals and engagements for most of them, plus 5 family sessions and 1 corporate event! That's just on top of Booster Club meetings, PTA meetings (I'm the PR rep for the school this year!), gymnastics for all the kids, Audree's choir class, Young Women's activities (I'm the Beehive advisor), helping at school in the kid's classes, and I currently have 5 little boys over at my house for Spencer's weekly playgroup (I can hear them having a blast on the trampoline as I type!). Laundry, dishes, cooking, decorating for Halloween, making Halloween costumes and actual mothering activities happen somewhere in there too. Did Jake want me to be a wife too??! Anyways, now that I have verbally vomited my calendar to you...I feel much better!

What I really wanted to share was our trip to the pumpkin patch! It's an annual visit to the pumpkin patch here in Springville and the kids watch the pumpkins grow all summer and look forward to picking their's in the fall! We got some great ones this year and had a fabulous time hanging out...what you can't see in the pictures is the giant booger on Spencer's shirt...yep, as soon as we got there he did a huge sneeze and apparently thought his shirt would double as a tissue. It was pretty we just zipped up the hoodie and continued on! When we were done at the pumpkin patch we headed out to go ice skating for the evening (we've gone like 3 times since Karlee's birthday because we had so much fun there and our Pass-of-All-Passes gets us in free!). It was a nice evening to just hang out together as a family!


Shanna Nemrow said...

I, for one, am glad you verbally vomited your calendar - it makes me feel better! I thought I was the only one going nuts this month.

Love the pics!! Garrett would have agreed with Spencer that the shirt is the PERFECT place for a booger or bodily fluid of any kind. ;)

adam and jess said...

just reading your schedule makes me exhausted! :) you're such a good mom ash!