Alright, so no pictures for this one, but the story should make-up for that. Last night I had a dream and it was one of those dreams that feels real and it's vivid and clear. This dream was about Jake deceiving me over a long period of time and it was one of those dreams where you wake up with the same emotions and feelings you had during the dream. Here's how it went...
It was winter and Jake and I were chatting in our room. Jake went to change his shirt and I noticed something out of the ordinary...his chest was tan, in fact, it looked sunburned. I decided to confront him, "Have you been tanning?" I said. "Yes." he replied. I was stunned at this revelation! "How long have you been doing this?" I asked. "3 years." He stated without emotion. I was furious hurt and angry that this obvious deception had been taking place for so long. I asked him how he'd been paying for this and he told me he had been taking money from the bank account. I asked him what he did with the kids while he was tanning and he said he just left them in the waiting area. I then realized that he had also told the kids to lie to me about where they were when they went to the tanning salon. That was it...the end of our relationship...I yelled and screamed for awhile and then he left for work. I changed the locks on the doors while he was gone and figured our relationship had been a sham...afterall, he lied to me about tanning all these years!
I woke up from this dream still feeling hurt, angry and decieved...but I looked over and my husband was still the pasty white man that I love. All is forgiven. Aren't dreams wierd?? I have laughed about this dream many times today...I also laughed about Karlee's dream...which she told me about this morning.
Karlee said she dreamt that she went to school and it was recess time. She said she was playing football with her friends and suddenly she realized she was underwear or socks or anything! Don't you just hate those dreams?? I have had my fair share! Only she thinks that a little skinny dip in Grandma Gigi's hot tub over the weekend is what caused that one. Karlee, you're hilarious!
Monday, November 30, 2009
Friday, November 20, 2009
Saturday, November 14, 2009
Snow Days...
It's always a bit of a transition deciding how to spend our weekends once the winter hits. During the summer, we just hang out in the sunshine, work in the yard, ride bikes with friends, go to the park,'s never hard to find something to keep us busy. Today was blizzarding outside and we had our first white-out weekend of the winter. What to do?? Well, I made it out inbetween storm systems to take some photos...but the rest of the clan stayed in pjs until 4:00 in the afternoon. So, we decided to head to the bowling alley for the evening. It turned out it was the perfect escape! Jake and I were impressed with the kids bowling skills...even Spencer had quite the power throw!

Sunday, November 8, 2009
The Clark Show
Today Jake and and I had to speak in church and they asked us to get the whole family involved. So, Jake and I spoke on Elder Bednar's talk, "More Diligent and Concerned at Home"...which was one of my favorite Conference talks. The 3 girls sang "Families Can Be Together Forever". The girls were so cute...they were nervous but performed like pros. There were many teary eyes in the crowd...mine were the wettest! Something about hearing my kids sing primary songs gets me all choked up...and this particular songs is one of the worst! I wish I could have video taped it to watch again 20 years from now! Anyways, we all got through it and it felt great when it was all over. Here is a picture of the kids before church...what a good lookin' group!
Wednesday, November 4, 2009
Bubba has a new type of mischief that I just can't explain. We got new barstools, which I always new would be a cause of many problems. So, anyways, whenever I leave the room for awhile (ie. shower, laundry, etc.) Spencer pushes one of the new barstools over to the sink where I keep the bread and destroys. He takes the whole bag of bread and dumps it out, takes a bite or two out of each piece and then just leaves it. What??? Really, I don't get it. I would give him a piece of bread if he really wanted one...but he doesn't ask...he just destroys a loaf at a time. I know I should just change where I store the bread...but it's just one of those old habits that I am having a hard time adjusting. So, here is his latest victim...
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