Wednesday, November 4, 2009


Bubba has a new type of mischief that I just can't explain. We got new barstools, which I always new would be a cause of many problems. So, anyways, whenever I leave the room for awhile (ie. shower, laundry, etc.) Spencer pushes one of the new barstools over to the sink where I keep the bread and destroys. He takes the whole bag of bread and dumps it out, takes a bite or two out of each piece and then just leaves it. What??? Really, I don't get it. I would give him a piece of bread if he really wanted one...but he doesn't ask...he just destroys a loaf at a time. I know I should just change where I store the bread...but it's just one of those old habits that I am having a hard time adjusting. So, here is his latest victim...


Shanna Nemrow said...

Boys, boys, boys. What will they do next??? And where on earth do they come up with this stuff???

Lanell said...

I love that!! Just as I was typing this Josh came in the a piece of banana bread that was bigger than his head! They sure keep us on our toes, but always make us laugh and give us a good blog post!