Wednesday, September 7, 2011

I love being a soccer mom!

I have wanted to go cheer on a soccer player of my own for as long as I have been a mom! I love to watch my girls do their dance, gymanstics, karate...etc. But something about having a little guy on the soccer field just makes my heart happy! I am afraid that I am already too tough on him to "get it"...but he does make progress every game and most importantly...he is having a blast! We have discovered that he isn't very motivated by money...we have tried to bribe him with quarters...I think he's holding out for dollars! Anyways, his team is the "orange cones" which makes us laugh every game and he has some great little buddies on the team! We have tried to teach him the fine art of "throwing an elbow" and the "stiff arm"...he's great at using them on me in the backyard...but a little timid when it's a kid his own size (although at the end of yesterday's game he tried a little elbow move...there ya go)!! Anyways, we just love this little man and couldn't be prouder!

1 comment:

adam and jess said...

go orange cones! haha so cute!