Saturday, September 3, 2011

Onion Days!

There are times when I reminded that I live in small town Utah...last night we wanted to get out and do something fun with the kids and it came to our attention that Payson City (about 10 miles south of us) was having their annual "Onion Days Celebration". Only in Utah would a small town spend 3 days celebrating the onion! But I guess we are just one of the small-town kind of families because we LOVED every second of it! They had a great carnival (and if you know one thing about my husband and's that they love a great carnival ride!) and then the city put on a suprisingly fabulous fireworks show!

So, we headed out to dinner at Arby's, made a pit stop at the Dollar Store (for glow sticks) and drove down to the old Payson park! We had a great time at the carnival...there's always great people watching at these things! And when darkness started to fall we headed over to the baseball fields where the fireworks were going to be. We played with glow sticks, ate too much licorice and layed directly under a GREAT fireworks show! Jake said it was the perfect way to end our summer and I would have to agree!

1 comment:

Shanna Nemrow said...

Looks fun!! Wish we could have been there with you guys!! I FINALLY updated our blog with a few posts - sorry it took so long! Miss you all. Is it Thanksgiving yet????