Friday, September 4, 2009

Popcorn and Lemonade!

Here are Audree and Spencer having a little afternoon snack. I just thought they were so cute sitting on the porch together...I had to shoot a picture! Notice Spencer is not dressed...he was wearing clothes about 2 minutes earlier...but then he spilled half the lemonade on himself and I stripped him down. Right after I got all mad and took his clothes in the house I came down the stairs and saw this moment. Sometimes we just need a little reminder that between the nagging and neediness...they really are just adorable and sweet!

P.S. He just spilled the popcorn really is a good thing he's so darn cute!


Christy said...

that is so sweet! I have the feeling they will be good buddies as they continue to grow up...just like you and blair!

Shanna Nemrow said...

That picture melts my heart! Mackenzie and Garrett are really the best of friends too. It's so cute to watch.
And I know what you mean about the nagging...sometimes I feel like I nag and discipline all day long and it's hard to remember to overlook somethings and just enjoy the ride.