Tuesday, February 1, 2011

A Day on the Town!

Last Saturday we decided to head out for the day...about this point in the winter we start to get really tired of hanging out inside and watching tv. We were going to take all the kids skiing...until we read the paper and saw a model train show happening at Thanksgiving Point. Spencer saw the picture in the paper and REALLY wanted to go see the trains....plus, Audree wasn't thrilled about skiing. Unfortunately, Karlee and Rylee were stoked about skiing...what to do? Well, we decided to split up for awhile and meet up at Grandma's hot tub later!

So, I took the little ones up to the "Train Show" and Jake headed up the mountain with the big girls! The train show was just a whole bunch of model train set-ups and a bunch of vendor booths...Audree, Spencer and I were entertained for about an hour. We really liked the big "Thomas" train that went fast and the enormous lego world (really, it was about a 30 foot by 30 foot display completely built out of legos!)... and then we decided to go get some treats! It was a fun little outing.

I don't have pictures of the girls skiing, but Jake took some video for me and they are doing GREAT! We are just excited to see them really enjoy it!

The hot tub was a great end to the day too...thanks, Judy for keeping it hot and ready for us! What a fun way to spend a winter weekend.

1 comment:

Shanna Nemrow said...

Fun! I LOVE that ice cream parlor - we went there that summer we visited. mmmmmmmm