Wednesday, April 6, 2011

2nd Grade Farm Day!

Today was Rylee's 2nd grade Farm Day field trip. Miss Sayers really wanted me to come take photos because she has asked me to put together a movie of all their adventures at the end of this year. So, I gladly came along and enjoyed the fun with them. Rylee was so cute...she brought along a journal to record her thoughts and what she learned...I saw her write things down like, "I think I smell cow poop!" and "There is a pig called a blue butt". Anyways, we had a great time and I was so glad to get to come spend some time with Rys!

1 comment:

Shanna Nemrow said...

Yee-haw! Fun! It's so funny what sticks out to the kids. Those journal observations are priceless. I think we can learn from our kids how to look at things...and laugh.