Saturday, April 2, 2011

Hike the Y!!

We have been planning for weeks to Hike the Y this weekend because Casey was coming into town to visit and really wanted to go with us and the kids! My kids were stoked and have been asking daily when we were going to go...the day arrived, Casey made it into town, we were all ready to go...but unfortunately Casey wasn't feeling well. The rest of us decided to go up and enjoy the beautiful spring day...but we really missed having Casey come with us. It is always a good hike and gets the blood flowing for was great to get to the Y and have a little lunch! The kids had a blast hanging out with their cousins and it was a great workout! Thanks for the fun guys!


Shanna Nemrow said...

How fun!! Looks like something we would love to do!!!

adam and jess said...

looks like fun, sad we missed it!