Dinner at Nancy and Bob's was delish, the orange rolls were a big hit! We stayed into the evening chatting away and Karlee used her cheer skills to help pick some lemons!

The next day we took some family photos and then headed to the beach. We played beach soccer (harder than it sounds!), watched the sunset and had a funtastic bonfire.

The next day we went to the movies with our cousins and saw "Big Hero 6"...we loved it! Then we headed out for some major shopping (Rylee was in heaven!). That night we went to dinner and then out for a little ice blocking with Travis and Bristol! Spencer won for the craziest, fastest ice blocking and mom won for the wierdest wipe outs (she lost a shoe everytime!). We left at 3:00 the next morning and are back home getting ready for Christmas! Whew!!