So about a week ago I went to send a DVD to Sarah (my sister-in-law who lives in Arizona). I was scrambling about trying to remember the DVD, her address, the cards that Karlee made for her and my kids (so far, I have never forgotten them!). I made sure we all had shoes on (that is something I have learned from arriving without them so many times), got us all buckled in

Then today I went back to the same post office to send my Mom her birthday present (which should only be about 4 days late...I am so on the ball!!). Once again, scrambling about getting the card signed by all the kids, remembering to bring the address, shoes all on, bow on the gift...and we are off! I get to the post office and the kids start playing tag again (that's a post office favorite!), except for Spencer who enjoys trying to pull the blinds off the windows. I manage once again to get the envelope filled out and go up to the Post Officer to send it. This time she rings me up and I open my purse to pay...only one problem. I have no money, no credit card, no checks and an expired debit card. I left everything in the diaper bag on the counter at home from the carnival we went to last night. She said now that it is rung up she can't do anything to help me...I have to pay and she can't ring anybody else up until I do. I am lucky because the post office was pretty much dead at this point, but I still have no money. I was also lucky because Jake was at home working in his I called him up and he made an emergency trip to the post office to bail me out. At least the car wasn't running when we finally got back into it!
So, the moral of the story is... try not to go to the post office when you have 4 small children with can only end in tears!
I've had those moments too and I don't even have kids yet!! One day I believe I visited the same store three times because I forgot something, I've even managed to leave my keys at the bank a few times and luckily they are always there when I return for them. :)
I REFUSE to go to the post office with my kids. That and the bank are off limits for them. It can only end badly in my book. You are brave for doing it twice! At least you go the stuff mailed, right??
Ash, loved this post cuz I could totally see myself doing the same thing! As a matter of fact the other day I went back to the same beauty supply store to buy, take back, and rebuy the same DANG thing! I could just hear the girls working there when I left, "uh she must be a compulsive shopper and is getting her fix or maybe having a mental breakdown or something." I think a little of both!
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