Sunday was Audree's first Sunday in Primary! She thinks being a Sunbeam is pretty cool! It is so great to have all 4 kids happily going to their classes during church! I remember a time, NOT long ago, when I thought that would never happen. Being a mom just keeps getting better and better...and these kids are just the greatest thing I ever did! I love you, Audree!
Congrats Audree...your such a big girl!
We love you,
Uncle Travis & Aunt Katie
I love you too Ashlee! jk I know I am not the Audrey you are telling that too but I couldn't resist!
I can't believe that Audree and Cole are both Sunbeams already! I can't believe that Cole actually seems to like especially! Both my boys had a hard time with really digging Nursery so the change has been nice. (although i am in the prim. pres. so maybe it is cuz momma bear)
She looks so cute in the pic with her arms folded.
Also, this preg has been my roughest by far! I have so many plans to get things done and little of it happens. I keep meaning to find that email you sent a long time ago for your testimonials for your photography bizz so could you resend that to me cuz I would love to tell everyone what I think of ya!! Sorry to be tacky and forgetful!
oh geesh that last commment made no sense... i must be tired... i will call you or email you later! what is wrong with me!?!?!
Audree is such a cutie! Love the crown! GiGi and Grandpa Love You!
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