Friday, May 8, 2015

Cheer Nationals - Audree

Audree's team had their Nationals Competition in Salt Lake City this year. Her team has been amazing this year...within 10ths of a point from 1st place at every competition. Audree has been a flyer this year and greatly improved since last year. She stuck every stunt at every competition...such an asset to her team. I just love to watch her perform, her flexibility and strength makes her a beautiful cheerleader! My favorite thing about Nationals was that we talked about her making a silly face during the pyramid section of the routine and we laughed about it while we did her hair that morning. I forgot about the conversation until I was watching her performance...I was getting teary-eyed as she was completing a perfect routine and then was surprised and got even more teary and she popped up into her pyramid stunt, pulled the silly face for a split second and then looked down at me with a smile. The photo below shows the funny face she pulled...oh my gosh I love this kid!! They took 2nd place and missed 1st by less than a 10th of a point, it was a bummer...they were so close...but we were all so proud of the girls. She is confident and poised and I loved hanging out with her and Karlee every weekend during competition season.

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